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- Over 200,000 members 

- Winner of the 'Brand Grand Award' for the three consecutive years

- 1,000% annual growth


How to study foreign languages: one book a week with MY LIGHT

My Light was created under the motto of

"Life-long Learning Companion for Dreamers of the World."

One book a week, ten minutes a day, offers a more fun, easier, and convenient learning environment for eleven foreign languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish and Russian.

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- 10,000 members one month after launch​

- Built through partnerships with world-leading publications


A premium business-focused study product

for English language learners.
Our books and lectures collate articles from top-tier sources, such as Wall Street Journal, The Economist,

Time Magazine, MIT Technology Review,

and Harvard Business Review.
A tailored solution for the busy business professional.

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- MZ Generation Taste Content


Unlike most conventional language courses, Wannaspeak offers fun, trendy language learning tailored to fit the needs of Gen MZ (Millennials and Gen Zers).
Rather than merely memorizing grammar points or expressions, Wannaspeak offers real-life situations of native speakers as its learning material. With this authentic material, students can sound like native speakers.
Wannaspeak has an intellectual property license from Jubilee Media, which has over 6,000,000 subscribers on YouTube, with topics ranging from dating to politics and everything in between.

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- Winner of the Consumer Brand Award for two consecutive years

- 35% customer recommendation


Traditional language education focuses on grammar and memorization. At FASTONE, we use the communicative teaching approach to help students enhance their speaking and listening skills.

As a result, students are able to learn more quickly and feel confident using English in real life situations.
Our adult learners have limited time for studying languages. As a result, we have optimized our curricula so that students can learn exactly

what they need  to learn and they do with the help of our highly experienced teachers from across the globe

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